GANDER Expertise

GANDER is founded on the complementary strengths of its two leading partners, Satellite Observing Systems Ltd and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

Satellite Observing Systems Ltd pioneered the extraction of wave and wind data from the records of satellite-borne radar altimeters. Closely involved in calibrating the measurement of surface waves and winds from data from European and US satellites, SOS controls one of the most comprehensive data archives on this subject in the world.

Currently, fast-delivery observations from the European satellite ERS-2 are sent to SOS via the UK Meteorological Office, and processed, quality controlled and displayed on its web site within a few hours of the observations being made.

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd is a world leader in small satellite technology. A University of Surrey company, it has designed, built and launched 15 microsatellites, all controlled and operated in orbit from its own Mission Control Centre in Guildford.

The company holds a unique position in the international space industry by combining academic research and postgraduate training with the commercial manufacture of small satellites for a growing international customer base.