HYDROCOASTAL CCN2: isardSAT Coastal Processor Data Set
- The isardSAT CCN2 data set was produced to assess the performance of the isardSAT CORS coastal processor, and the isardSAT Fully Focused SAR processor, applied to Sentinel-6 data. There are two output data sets available:
- The CORS delay Doppler processor was applied to Sentinel-6 data (Cycles 6-42) for data in three regions: Aegean Sea, Baltic Sea, California Coast.
- The isardSAT Fully Focused SAR Altimeter processor was applied to Sentinel-6 data (Cycles 37-41) for one track over the Aegean Sea (pass 094)
- A description of this data is available
- A report analysing this data set is available
- DOI:10.5270/esa-hydrocoastal_ccn2-sar_altimeter_L2_2020_2022_v_1.0_2023_12
- The CCN2 data set is freely available on request
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