Coverage: The North
Pacific Regions under the SAR mode mask (CryoSat-2 Mask 3.4)
Region 1 [Lat 15-25N, Lon 180-195E]
Region 2 [Lat 0-17N, Lon 136-150E]
Period: One complete 369 day cycle starting 1st October 2012
Data Products Used: ESA SAR Baseline B L1b
SAR re-tracking needed for mapping seamounts will
be the same as for Open Ocean. The only addition to the processing is
the need
for further along-track processing and filtering to achieve the S/N
needed to
retrieve small gravity signals associated with bathymetry. The retracked SAR data
will be evaluated for the test region
with respect to signal to noise determination of possible residual
signal. This will be done for one repeat of the Cryosat-2 SAR retracked
data. Part
of the installed Mask was installed prior to October 2012, so for part
of the region data from more than one year will be studied to evaluate
impact on oceanographic noise on gravity field determination to
evaluate the
signal to noise of the data. This analysis is essential in order to
if the test region is at all suited for further validation of the sea
bathymetry mapping application.
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