Coverage: The whole Arctic region North of 65 deg N
Period: All Baseline B data available by later 2013
Data Products Used:ESA SAR Baseline B L1b
Method: The performance of three existing
retrackers that have already been applied to Cryosat-2 SAR data over
sea ice will be investigated. These include a number of threshold
retrackers, an OCOG retracker and a 5-parameter beta-retracker. In
addition, DTU Space will implement a new leading-edge retracker, which
has already produced very good preliminary results for Cryosat-2 SAR
waveforms ([Idris and Deng, 2011], Coastal Altimetry Workshop, San
Diego). This analysis could form the basis for possible reprocessed L1B
products by ESA using more robust retrackers in the Polar Ocean.